dFac Worklist
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    dFac Worklist

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    Article summary

    The worklists let you track approvals for dFac forms and, if you have permissions, approve forms. dFac users can view two worklists:

    • The dFac Worklist shows dFac items that have been submitted and are awaiting approval.
    • The Universal Worklist shows all items awaiting your approval, including iForms and draft dFac items.

    If you’re set up as a dFac approver, you can approve dFac forms either from the dFac Worklist or the Universal Worklist.

    About the dFac Worklist

    The dFac Worklist provides three views of items awaiting approval:

    • My Approvals are items submitted by other dFac users for whom you are the approver and that are awaiting your approval
    • Open Items shows all of the unapproved forms that have been initiated by the organizations to which you have permissions.
    • My Forms displays all of the forms that you have initiated and submitted.


    The columns on the dFac Worklist include:

    NameFaculty member’s Professional name
    DescriptionThe type of dFac form being approved
    Job                                              If the type of dFac form is Appointments, this column shows the title of the appointment. For all other dFac forms, it shows the primary appointment.
    Note: Job is not visible in the Open Items view.
    Notification                                  The number is automatically assigned to this form’s approval process. This number can be used to find more information in SAP about the approval. From the My Approvals view, the notification numbers are links to the Worklist Details, where you can approve dFac forms.
    Level/Level Description The level at which the form is awaiting approval. See the section on approvals in this User Guide for more details on the levels.
    Status                                          Shows whether or not the form has been approved at any level. You can click the status for more information.
    Level Description

    The full description of the workflow approval level the form is currently at.
    Note: Only visible in the Open Items view.


    The shorthand term of the workflow approval level the form is currently at.
    Note: Only visible in the Open Items view.

    Created by The dFac user who initiated the form
    Eff Date The date, as noted on the submitted form, that the appointment would be effective once approved.


    Filtering dFac Worklist Results

    You may filter the dFac Worklist results by any of the columns shown by clicking once on the column header, then choosing “User-Defined Filter”

    From there, you have several options. You may:

    • search by the exact Name 
    • search by an approximate name using asterisks on either side of the name. For example, *Smith*.
    • choose from a preset list of values by clicking the icon

    When choosing to filter by a column with only a few preset values, such as Description, these options will appear in the drop-down menu shown in the screenshot above. This is a one-click way to filter by that value.


    Using dFac Worklist Details

    The Worklist Details box shows information about the form that has been entered by the approvers. Approvers in the School of Medicine APT office and the Provost’s office can type the dates that each approval step is scheduled to occur or has occurred. Approvers can also enter comments and save them without approving the form.  

    To display the Worklist Details box:

    1.   On the dFac Worklist, select the My Approvals view. Then click the notification number of the form you want to approve.

    2.   The Worklist Details box opens as a new window. You can see the dates added for each of the approval steps and any comments.

    3.   To add comments, type them in the New Comments field and click Save. These comments will appear to future approvers if they use the Worklist Details box.

    4.   Click one of the following buttons:

    SaveSaves the comment without approving or returning the form.
    ApproveApproves the form and sends it to the next approval step. If you are the final approval step, approving the form completes the approval process.
    Back to initiator  Returns the form to the person who created it, so that they can edit the form and re-submit it. Be sure to enter comments about why you are returning the form for changes or more information.
    Reject                  Closes the form permanently; the initiator cannot edit the form and re-submit it.
    CloseCloses the form without any action. 

    Each button closes the form and displays the notification number of your action. When users go back to the dFac Worklist, they’ll see that the status has changed.

    4.  You’ll return to the dFac Worklist.