Using the dFac Flexible Work Arrangements Form
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    Using the dFac Flexible Work Arrangements Form

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    Article summary

    This Flexible Work Arrangement form complements the current paper process for departments or divisions on behalf of a regular-rank faculty member requesting a flexible schedule. The current process includes submitting the paper “Flexible Work Arrangement Request” form first along with other required letters. The dFac form is submitted by departments/divisions to capture the details of the arrangement, such as the start and end dates, the reason for the request, tenure clock relief, and any unique details in the comment field related to the arrangement.

    Once submitted, the form will be routed for approval to the dean’s office and final approval by the provost’s office.

    To submit a Flexible Work Arrangements form, first search for the faculty member using Faculty Views. Then in the search results, click the New Forms link next to the name.

    Selecting a Faculty Member

    1. From the dFac page, click the Faculty Views link.

    2. On the Faculty Views page, select “Search My Faculty.”

    3. Next to the faculty member’s name, click the New Forms link.

    4. On the Forms window, select the Flexible Work Arrangements form. The Flexible Work Arrangements form appears.

    Adding Flexible Work Arrangement Data

    The top half of the form displays header data about the faculty member’s position and Flexible Work Arrangement History, which shows previous flexible work arrangements that were entered in dFac.

    On the bottom half of the form, enter the details about the flexible work arrangement being requested.

    1. In the Start Date field, type or select the date that the requested arrangement will start. You can type the date as MM/DD/YYYY or select the date from a calendar by clicking the icon in the date field.

    2. In the End Date field, specify the date that the requested arrangement will end. If no end date is known, enter “12/31/9999.”

    3. To select the reason for the requested arrangement, click the drop-down icon in the Flexible Work Arrangement Reason field.
    Use these fields only for faculty on the tenure track.

    4. In the Flexible Work Arrangement MOU field, summarize the memo of understanding (MOU) between the faculty member and their department chair or dean, including any modifications of duties and salary.

    5. Use the Tenure Track Relief field only if the faculty member is on the tenure track, those in Personnel Subareas 0009 and 0019. Otherwise, leave the default “N/A” selection.
    If the faculty member is requesting tenure clock relief through the existing tenure track relief processes, specify “Requested.” If the faculty member is on the tenure track but not requesting tenure clock relief, specify “Declined.”

    6. If you have comments for the dFac approver, use the Comments section and enter your comments.

    7. To ensure that the form has data in the required fields, click the Check button. You can save the form as a draft if you’d like to return to it later in the Universal Worklist. When you’re ready to submit the form to the approvers, click Submit.