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    Transferring a Staff Member to a Regular Rank Faculty position

    Sometimes, your organization promotes an existing Duke staff member to a regular rank faculty member. When a staff member is granted a regular rank appointment, they become classified as faculty and get faculty benefits.

    To transition a staff member to faculty status:

    1. Request the iForms user in your organization create a vacant faculty position using a faculty personnel subarea (PSA).

    2. Make note of this person’s existing Duke Unique ID (DUID), and create a New Faculty Member form from the vacant faculty position described in step 1. You will need to enter the person’s birth date and the last four digits of their SSN. The New Faculty Member form will search for the employee using their Duke Unique ID (DUID).

    3. Complete the New Faculty Member form as you would a faculty member with an existing Duke Unique ID (DUID).

    4. When the New Faculty Member form is completely approved, send the position number to your department’s iForms user and ask them to use the Transfer iForm to transfer the person to the new position. Be sure that any rate and schedule changes also occur in iForms as necessary.

    Creating a Non-Regular Rank Appointment for a Staff Member

    Sometimes, an organization confers a non-regular rank appointment to an existing Duke employee who is not classified as a faculty member. Staff members with non-regular rank appointments retain their staff classification and benefits. Only staff members in PSA 01 EXEMPT can undergo this process. Non-exempt (also known as biweekly staff) are unable to be granted non-regular rank appointments.

    To give a primary non-regular rank appointment to a staff member who is already an employee:

    1. First, the iForms user for the organization that employs this person must reclass their position to change the Personnel Subarea to 0024 Faculty Exempt, which is used to give staff members a non-regular rank faculty appointment. The position’s job code does not need to be changed.

    2. After the reclass is approved, the iForms user for the position organization must submit a Rate and Schedule Change iForm with the "Employee Reclass" box checked.

    3. After the Rate and Schedule Change is approved, the dFac user for the department granting the appointment searches for the staff member using the All Duke Faculty view.

    4. On the person’s search results, click the New Forms link. The Appointments form appears.

    5. Submit a new Appointment using the “New Appointment” reason and the Primary appointment type. Select the granting department for the Appointment Organization. Enter the primary appointment job code, appointment title, and the appropriate start and end dates.  

    • Be sure to describe what you’re doing via the Comments section of the form.
    • Specify the person’s name and Duke Unique ID (DUID) for the form approvers; they will not be able to see the person’s name yet.
    • The dFac form routes based on the appointment’s rank, department, and school.

    6. Next, submit a Faculty Data Change form for this person to complete the faculty data, including education and professional name.

    7. After the Appointments form is completely approved, the dFac department user will be able to find the person in the Search My Faculty view. Their faculty datasheet will show the position information at the top and the faculty appointment information in the appointment section.

    If rescinding or ending an NRR appointment for a staff member ...
    If the staff member leaves the role, ensure their Non-Regular Rank Appointment is ended in dFac before the transfer or termination iForm. Reclass the position back to an appropriate staff personnel subarea.