Completing NFM part 1
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    Completing NFM part 1

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    Article summary

    New Faculty Member (NFM) form page 1

    The first section of the form creates a Duke Unique ID (DUID) for the new faculty member, if they do not already have a DUID.

    Often, new hires have been at Duke previously as students, house staff, or employees and if so, they already have Duke Unique ID (DUID)s. The first section of the form searches to ensure a Duke Unique ID (DUID) does not already exist for the new hire.

    Step 2. Entering identity information in the NFM

    1. Enter the effective date, which is the start date of the primary appointment and the first day on the payroll. You can type in the date or click the date icon to use the calendar tool to select a date.

    2. Indicate whether this person has already been affiliated with Duke by typing Y or N.


    The new hire already has a Duke Unique ID (DUID). Enter it in the Personnel Number (Duke Unique ID) field.


    The new hire does not already have a DUID. Leave the Personnel Number field blank

    3. Type the legal last, first, and middle names exactly as they appear on the Social Security card or passport.
        Professional and informal names will be entered later.

    4. In the External Email field, enter the new hire’s current, non-Duke email address. This is where the background check invitation is sent, so it’s critical that the new hire should be able to access this email account quickly and easily.

    Emails from Outlook

    If pasting from Outlook, make sure to remove any extraneous characters or formatting.

    5. Enter the date of birth as month/day/year or click the calendar icon to select it.

    6. Select a citizenship value by clicking the box icon and selecting one from the drop-down list.







    7. Enter the last four digits of the social security number.
    If the citizenship is Nonresident, you can indicate “Candidate does not have SSN/ITIN” via checkbox. This choice allows the form to be submitted without the last four digits of the SSN.

    8. Add the current home address and phone number in the address fields.

    9. Click the Search button.

    Foreign Addresses

    If the faculty member lives outside the United States, enter the Duke Campus Address in the home address fields.

    For Duke Kunshan University affiliates only, all types of addresses will be hidden in Scholars@Duke and the Duke Directory.

    Step 3. Creation or Reconciliation of a DUID (Duke Unique ID):

    After you click Search, one of the following will occur:

    • A new Duke Unique ID (DUID) and NetID will be created and displayed on the form. Be sure to note them and inform the candidate. You can proceed with the next section of the New Faculty Member form.

    • More investigation may be necessary. If it is unclear whether a new Duke Unique ID (DUID) can be created, the Duke Unique ID (DUID) reconciliation process begins. In this case, the form can’t move forward until you get an email with the new Duke Unique ID (DUID) and NetID. The New Faculty Member form will be available in your Universal Worklist with this message "Duke Unique ID (DUID) Reconciliation in Process".

    When the Duke Unique ID (DUID) has finally been created or fully reconciled, the New Faculty Member form appears with the Duke Unique ID (DUID) at the top of the form, below the position information.

    Step 4: Background Check

    Once part 1 of the New Faculty Member form is completed, and the DUID either created or reconciled, you will be able to begin on part 2. Saving the form as a draft at this stage requires an Offer Letter Date to be added to the form. Once the Offer Letter is entered, if the form is either saved as Draft or submitted, a background check email is automatically sent to the candidate. This email requests their authorization for the background check to be conducted. The email is only sent for positions with personnel subareas (PSAs) 009, 0010, 0011, 0031.

    Faculty in SOM clinical PSAs (0019, 0020, 0021, 0041) are excepted from the background check step in dFac; background checks on these positions are performed at a different step in the hiring process; further questions can be directed to the SOM APT office. Positions in PSAs 0023 and 0033 do not undergo a background check.

    In the case that a second background check needs to be run, users can email to request another one.