Flexible Work Arrangements
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    Flexible Work Arrangements

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    Article summary

    The policy governing Flexible Work Arrangements is outlined in the Faculty Handbook pp4-5 through 4-6. We quote here those passages pertinent to this manual. Consult the Handbook for the full policy.

    “All regular rank appointments to the faculty of Duke University are made as full time appointments.”

    That notwithstanding, “the University may approve flexible work arrangements.”

    “These flexible work arrangements are directed toward faculty members for whom Duke University represents their full professional obligation, but who wish to have the flexibility to continue a career in academics while balancing family, pre-retirement planning, or other personal priorities.”

    “This policy does not apply to non-regular rank appointments, or to individuals with another professional endeavor beyond the current consulting policy. …”

    Each department and/or school defines a full time work load based on disciplinary and field standards.

    Therefore, the department Chair, if applicable, and the Dean of the school must approve all such requests.

    “A flexible work arrangement can be made for up to 3 years.”

    It may be renewed under special circumstances, and it may be for a longer period in the case of pre-retirement agreements. All longer arrangements require the approval of the Dean, the Provost, and University Counsel.

    Flexible Work Arrangement Request Form for Regular Rank Faculty provides the format for making a request and for the appropriate officers to approve the request: department Chair (if applicable), Dean of the school, and Provost.

    Possible tenure clock relief, the effect of a Flexible Work Arrangement on fringe benefit contributions, and a faculty member’s collegial status while under a Flexible Work Arrangement are all described in the Faculty Handbook.

    dFac Action

    All electronic reporting of a Flexible Work Arrangement is processed in dFac. (pp. 37, dFac User’s Guide) If tenure clock relief is requested the request must be copied to Faculty Affairs for the Provost’s Approval