Faculty Departures
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    Faculty Departures

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    Article summary

    Faculty Leaving Duke

    Faculty members, like all employees, may be terminated when they resign. Termination includes relinquishing all Duke appointments and ensures they are no longer an active employee. This disallows them from receiving ad hoc supplemental payments through the employee payroll system.

    End Reason: Departure

    If a faculty member relinquishes all appointments to Duke, the unit where the faculty member’s position is held should process an iForms Termination form as they would for a staff departure. To ensure the Primary Appointment has an end reason of “Departure” the termination form should: (1) be submitted before the faculty member’s primary appointment ends and (2) the iForms user should choose “VOLUNTARY RESIGNATION” for the reason.

    Choosing VOLUNTARY RESIGNATION changes the primary appointment end reason to “Departure”. If a different appointment end reason is preferred, then the dFac user may submit an Appointments form with reason Update Existing Appointment before the termination form is completed. Using the Update Existing Appointment reason, the appointment End Reason may be changed to:

    • Limited Appointment

    • Other

    • Not Reappointed

    Termination iForm

    A quick walk through of a termination iForm for a faculty member is available here. Please contact your HR representative for questions regarding the vacation and sick day payout form questions.