Faculty Deaths
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    Faculty Deaths

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    Faculty Deaths

    Faculty members, like all employees, may unfortunately die while actively employed at Duke. The administrative process for handling this scenario, as well as related scenarios specific to faculty members, is described below.

    End Reason: Deceased

    When a current faculty member dies, your unit’s iForms user should process the termination as they would for a staff death. The termination form will end all of the current appointments on the death date, including Emeritus faculty with employment status of Active. Once this has been finalized in iForms, any active appointments and memberships will be ended on the death date and the primary appointment end reason will be changed to Deceased. The faculty member’s profile will no longer appear in Scholars@Duke once the iForm is processed. If you would like to retain the information listed on Scholars@Duke, please reach out to scholars@duke.edu before completing the termination iForm.

    In some instances, an Emeritus faculty member has an employment status of Withdrawn while still having an active appointment in a unit. In this case, please notify HR Benefits that an emeritus faculty member with employment status of Withdrawn has died. They will add the death date directly in SAP, circumventing the use of iForms. The Office of Faculty Affairs Administration will end the emeritus appointment on the death date once it has been added to SAP.

    In the event that a unit would like to give an honorary promotion to a deceased faculty member, the school’s APT office should reach out to the Office of Faculty Affairs Administration <provostfacultyaffairs@duke.edu> for specific guidance.