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B 16 Template for Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the General Provisions of the Joint Hire
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[department/school] and [department/school] agree to jointly search, recruit, select, hire [name, if known] a/an/as [rank] professor in [field].
Upon approval by the Provost, [name] will be appointed as [rank] in [department/school] and [rank, if different] in [department/school]. [One department/school will need to be selected as ‘primary’ to officially hold the appointment.]
If “true” joint appointment: [department/school] and [department/school] will jointly conduct annual performance evaluations and compose a joint evaluation for [name]’s file. If the chair(s)/Dean(s) are unable to agree on a joint evaluation in any particular year, they will have the opportunity to submit separate letters for [name]’s file for consideration by the Dean of [“primary” school, when appointments are in more than one school]. The chair/Dean of [“primary” department/school] will ultimately be responsible for submitting the annual performance evaluation and recommending salary to the Dean of [school].
If not “true” joint appointment: The chair/Dean of [“primary” department/school] will be responsible for conducting the annual performance evaluation, with input from the chair/Dean of [“secondary/joint” department/school], and the chair/Dean of [“primary” department/school] will recommend salary to the Dean of [school].
Modify as appropriate for particular rank and anticipated reviews: As a/an [rank] Professor, [name] will receive [third-year review, tenure review, promotion] review(s).
The third-year reappointment review committee will be composed of faculty members from both departments/schools [and from any interdisciplinary units that are also included in the appointment]. The reappointment will be reviewed and voted upon in [department/school] and [department/school] at separate meetings. All members of the review committee will be able to attend and speak at the meetings reviewing the reappointment, but will be able to vote only in their own unit. The recommendations of the departments/schools will then be forwarded to the Deans and Provost.
At the end of the fifth year, approximately one year before [name] is to submit materials for the tenure file and process, [name] will be given the option to choose whether to be formally reviewed for tenure in [department/school] or [department/school]. The tenure review committee will be composed of a majority of members from the selected [department/school] and at least one faculty member from [any other units in which the faculty member has held appointment, or which are relevant to the review, as determined by the Dean, with input from the heads of the partnering units]. As in all tenure reviews, the review committee will be approved by the Dean of [school]. The review committee will be expected to solicit the opinion of all units indicated as relevant to the case and the opinions should be incorporated into the file as it is being prepared. Only the selected [department/school] will review and vote on the tenure of [name]. Members of the review committee not part of the selected [department/school] will be allowed to attend and speak at the [department/school] deliberative meetings, but will not have a vote.
Distribution of Salary Commitment Between Parties
Distribution of Research, Teaching, and Service Time Between Parties [assumption for “true” joint appointments is 50/50 division]
Identification of unit providing Compensation Support/Backstop, Startup or Research Support, Office or Lab Space, Recruitment Costs, Relocation Costs and Associated Amounts and Terms
Allocation of Indirect Cost Recovery. Identification of unit providing Grants Administration.
Other Agreements Between Parties
These terms have been agreed upon by the undersigned Parties sharing in this appointment. The Parties further agree to re-sign this memorandum after year 1 of the appointment to reaffirm or amend the terms.
[Name] [Name]
Dean, [School] Dean, [School]
[Date] [Date]
If applicable: If applicable:
[Name] [Name]
Chair, [Department] Chair, [Department]
[Date] [Date]
Provost/Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the General Provisions of the Joint Hire of [name] Between
[department/school] and [department/school]
Year 1 Recommitment
The above agreement is amended to the following:
The terms above have been agreed upon by the undersigned Parties sharing in this appointment.
[Name] [Name]
Dean, [School] Dean, [School]
[Date] [Date]
If applicable: If applicable:
[Name] [Name]
Chair, [Department] Chair, [Department]
[Date] [Date]
[Name] [Name]
[Faculty Rank] Provost/Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies
[Date] [Date]