Approving Faculty Actions (Non Regular Rank)
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    Approving Faculty Actions (Non Regular Rank)

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    Article summary


    Chapter 4 of the Faculty Handbook details potential stages of a faculty member's career including (but not limited to) appointment, reappointment, promotion, time away, departure or retirement.  Administrative steps and approvals for these actions are detailed in the following sections.  Faculty records are maintained in dFac, which is part of the Duke@Work ecosystem. 

    Reference the Required Documentation section for what needs to be submitted with each faculty action.

    Professorships - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Professorships - Non Regular RankDeandFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    Named Professorships✓✓

    Primary Appointments - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Primary Appointments - Non Regular RankDeandFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    Initial Appointment 

    Promotion within non regular rank

    Promotion to regular rankNotified
    Resignation/Early Departure✓✓

    Transfer to Another Unit✓✓
    All Other Job Code Changes✓✓

    Secondary Appointments - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Secondary Appointments - Non Regular RankDeandFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    Initial Appointment (same school as primary) ✓✓
    Initial Appointment (different school as primary) ✓✓
    Reappointment ✓✓
    Promotion ✓✓

    Administrative Appointments - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Administrative Appointments - Non Regular RankDeandFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    All Others  ✓✓

    Center and Institute Memberships - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Memberships - Non Regular RankDirectordFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    University Institutes & Centers  ✓✓
    Centers within schools  ✓✓

    Non-Academic Leaves of Absence - Non Regular Rank

    = Approve or Process         ✓✓ = Final Approval      Notified = Action is communicated after final approval

    Non Academic Leaves - Non Regular RankDeandFacAPT CommitteeProvostBoard of Trustees
    Parental Leave, Non Regular Rank ✓✓
    Family Medical Leave ✓✓
    Disability Leave ✓✓
    Military Leave ✓✓
    Personal Leave ✓✓